I am excited to announce the release of Magit version 2.10, consisting of 85 commits since the last feature release one month ago. The release notes can be found here.
Magit is an interface to the version control system Git, implemented as an Emacs package. Magit aspires to be a complete Git porcelain. While we cannot (yet) claim that Magit wraps and improves upon each and every Git command, it is complete enough to allow even experienced Git users to perform almost all of their daily version control tasks directly from within Emacs. While many fine Git clients exist, only Magit and Git itself deserve to be called porcelains.
For more information about Magit, see https://magit.vc.
Like preceding releases this release focuses on cleanup and bug fixes.
A lot of the code that was previously located inside magit.el
been moved into several new libraries. This should make it easier
for users who want to contribute to Magit to find those parts that
are actually relevant to the task at hand.
The customization groups are now better organized. Several new groups were added and options are more sensibly distributed among those groups and groups that already existed before. Additionally some groups and options now link to the relevant documentation and to other relevant groups.
Even if you have already customized Magit to your satisfaction, you might still want to browse the available options again. If you do, then it is quite possible that you will run into something that you previously overlooked because the relevant option used to be buried among other, only marginally related, options.
Note especially the new group magit-essentials
. It contains
options that every Magit user should at least briefly think about.
These options are also available from other groups, but they are
additionally grouped together here to make it easier to locate the
most important nobs you might want to turn. Each of these options
falls into one or more of these categories:
Most of the other changes are bug fixes but there are also a few other minor changes. For information on those changes and fixes see the release notes.
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