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Magit 2.7 released

I am excited to announce the release of Magit version 2.7, consisting of 116 commits since the last feature release seven weeks ago. The release notes can be found here.

It’s Magit! A Git Porcelain inside Emacs

Magit is an interface to the version control system Git, implemented as an Emacs package. Magit aspires to be a complete Git porcelain. While we cannot (yet) claim that Magit wraps and improves upon each and every Git command, it is complete enough to allow even experienced Git users to perform almost all of their daily version control tasks directly from within Emacs. While many fine Git clients exist, only Magit and Git itself deserve to be called porcelains.

For more information about Magit, see https://magit.vc.


Features added in this release include:

Additionally several existing commands have been improved. This release also includes many bug fixes and documentation improvements. For information please also see the release notes.

Comments on Reddit.

Posted on 19th May 2016